7:45 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Arrival at Visitor Center
Building 5700, D307
8:00 Welcome, Jim Rushton
8:15 Bernie Kirk, Introductions and Objectives of Meeting
8:30 Status of the field and needs
15 minutes - Mark Rivard, Brachytherapy
8:45 15 minutes - Robert Jeraj, External Beam Therapy
9:00 15 minutes - Wayne Newhauser, Proton therapy
9:15 15 minutes Saed Mirzadeh, Nuclear Medicine
10:00 Break
10:15 Status of software and needs
15 minutes Dick Lillie, DOORS
10:30 15 minutes Tim Goorley, MCNP/MCNPX
10:45 15 minutes Glenn Sjoden, PENTRAN
11:00 15 minutes Douglas Peplow, EGSNRC
11:15 15 minutes Farzad Rahnema, COMET
11:30 15 minutes Dave Nigg, SERA/MINERVA
11:45 15 minutes Cassiano, EVENT
12:00 Working Lunch Open Discussions
1:00 15 minutes Mike Dunn, Nuclear Data
1:30 15 minutes Erno Sajo, View From University Research
2:00 Discussion
Identify milestones
Robert Jeraj, Benchmarking Strategy
Identify path to funding
ANS Topicals RPSD 2006 (Carlsbad), M&C 2007 (Monterey)
3:00 Break
5:00 Adjourn
6:30 Wrap-up Dinner
8:30 Tour of Computing Facility
10:00 Tour of Spallation Neutron Source
Cassiano De Oliveira, Georgia Tech
Eduardo Farfan, Idaho State
Tim Goorley, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ali Haghighat, University of Florida
Robert Jeraj, University of Wisconsin
Wayne Newhauser, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Trent Nichols, UT Medical Center
Dave Nigg, Idaho National Laboratory
Farzad Rahnema, Georgia Tech
Mark Rivard, Tufts University New England Medical Center
Erno Sajo, Louisiana State University
Glenn Sjoden, University of Florida
Hatice Akkurt
Kevin Clarno
Mike Dunn
Dan Ilas
Germina Ilas
Luiz Leal
Bernadette Kirk
Dick Lillie
Saed Mirzadeh
Douglas Peplow
John Wagner
Mark Williams
RSICC Staff Support
Alice Rice
Barbara Snow